Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sunday night

I think I am exhausted, I'm not quite sure yet though.

What a weekend, was at the boat for a couple of days, had yesterday kind of off I guess but today had to get ready for my church group to meet here at the house. It's a small group, only 5 other people (one is currently on hiatus) and we meet once a month on a Sunday night. The theme of the group (there are two others out of our church) concerns reconciliation and healing. We mainly bond and talk about church type stuff sometimes, sometimes politics, books, or whatever crosses our mind. It's a great time, we all get along so well and feed into each other's sense of humor. We trade off meeting at each other's house and this month it was my turn.

Anyway I had to get ready for that, and now as I'm sitting here and it's over I can finally unwind. Throwing get togethers, no matter how informal do wear me out.

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