Saturday, February 16, 2008

My next step

From my meeting with my spiritual director on Thursday came that I need to actually make the first big step and speak with someone at church about my call.
I knew this was coming, in fact, our meetings have been narrowing down to it. It's almost as if we've started to run out of things to talk about, she's given me praying and meditation exercises to do and most of the big topics have been covered. I don't want to pay myself on the back but I have approached this process with an open, humble and questioning mind. I am thinking that has spurred the process on a little more.

How ironic is it that being unsure of oneself would push you further down a particular path?

I read somewhere that God doesn't call you because you are ready, He calls you because He has a plan for you. Or something to that effect. The idea being that just because you don't have the particular skillset for a task doesn't mean you aren't called to that, God wants you there and you will learn what you need to know.

So my task now is to make the phone call and set up a meeting with a priest at church. I'm meeting with my spiritual director the week before holy week, I should have met with my priest by then.

This is all exciting and I have to say, anxiety inducing.

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