Friday, February 8, 2008

Lenten disciplines

From RevGalBlogPals blog: (here is the link to the site

1. Did you celebrate Mardi Gras and/or Ash Wednesday this week? How?
Yes but not in the typical fashion. I love going to the Ash Wednesday service, and whenever I'm happy and in a good spiritual state I feel like celebrating.
We had a couple of bottles of wine, celebrated my good fortune in receiving a brand new computer, our luck, our love, our dogs.
We did have fish for dinner though as I've given up meat for Lent.

2. What was your most memorable Mardi Gras/Ash Wednesday/Lent?
A couple of years ago when I was preparing to be baptized and enter the church. It was such a meaningful period of prayer and penitence. I prayed the chaplet of divine mercy and the penitential psalms almost daily and did my first confession, which was difficult to say the least, but very rewarding.

3. Did you/your church/your family celebrate Lent as a child? If not, when and how did you discover it?
Not at all, I didn't discover Lent until I joined the Episcopal church.

4. Are you more in the give-up camp, or the take-on camp, or somewhere in between?
Take-on camp for the most part.

5. How do you plan to keep Lent this year?

I am trying to give up meat. Because I think it's right, but also because it's very hard for me so it's a good discipline.
I have also taken up reciting the chaplet of divine mercy every day as well as reading the penitential psalms as much as I can.
In addition, I am trying to examine myself for my faults (which are many unfortunately). I don't want to say I am wallowing, but I think an idea close to that is ok for a period. I know the light is there and it will come to me. It's that hope that keeps me going.


Sally said...

What a wonderful hope to have- praying that the light will grow brighter as you walk through Lent.
Glad you found revgals...

Dr. Laura Marie Grimes said...

Glad you love Lent--I do too.

Never met a non-RC who used (or even had heard of) the chaplet of divine mercy. I remember when I lived in Portland that the Catholic radio station played a chanted version which was beautiful every afternoon at 3.