Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Who let the dogs out?!

Yesterday morning, my brother in law (who had been staying here) was out around 5:30 getting ready to go to a football bowl game.
After retrieving his case of beer on the deck he also left the gate open. So when I let the dogs out, half asleep - not realizing the gate was open, they were gone.

When I came back to let them in, I noticed the open gate and proceeded to have my freak out. The dogs were gone.

I ran out into the driveway and then the street yelling for the dogs. My bro in law then proceeded to tell me "the dogs went that way" motioning down the street.

This was of course after the fact. The dogs were long gone. No sign of them.

I ran down the street yelling for the dogs, boyfriend right behind me. We decide getting in our cars was a better solution.

So we get in our cars and go our separate ways.

Two black dogs, lost in the complete blackness.

Ok, so I went back once to the house to check, just in case the dogs went back to the house. They weren't there.

I was searching in darkness, hopeless, dogs were gone, rush hour traffic was coming soon.

About 30 minutes later my partner did the same thing and the dogs were there and called me on my cell phone.

The dogs were home and safe. When I got back I hugged them forever and there were many hugs and kisses.

What a way to start a Monday.

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