Sunday, January 27, 2008

Obama's win in SC

With Obama's impressive victory last night, the possibility of him becoming the democratic nominee for president has once again become not just realistic, but bordering on probable.
The wave of momentum he enjoyed after Iowa is again surging.

I used to be a huge Obama fan, I still like him too. The only problem I have with him is his lack of experience. But, we've had such a miserable excuse for a president the last eight years, the only place to go is up.

The thing is, while the debates were heating up I became a huge fan of Hillary. Truth be told, I've always liked Hillary. And the main reason is this: her very existence pisses off Republicans. Ever since she came on to the national scene with Bill, right-wingers have hated her.

So I'm more than a little concerned. And what I really don't get are these charges of racially motivated attacks. I have listened to the accusations of the use of 'code' words and other racially charged language. I have tried to understand but I just don't see it. Yes, there have been attacks made, but that's what happens in politics. If you can't stand to be bloodied and are unable to dish it out, then maybe politics wasn't what you were really cut out for. I'm not saying Obama thinks that way but his supporters definitely do. Really people, lets not be so sensitive.

With all that said, if Obama does win the nomination I will fully support him. I do like his message I'm just not caught up in the hoopla.

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