Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Caught in a funk

It’s been quite awhile since I’ve been in as big of a funk as I have been the last few days. But at least I know why, here’s the litany of reasons:
My best friend at work is being made a supervisor in my area and I will eventually be reporting to her. I’m very ok with that except for the fact that out of necessity our relationship will change. We won’t be able to be so chummy, talking about the people at work that drives us crazy. She’s also been an incredible source of information within the department and company in general, filling me in on the goings on. That will definitely be changing as well.
And, to be perfectly honest, my partner and I kept the candle lit at both ends just a bit much over the weekend. Besides not feeling the best physically, I’m not real happy for allowing myself to do that.
We also fought again over the weekend. I don’t have the energy to go into that right now.
And I pretty much got a big talking to last night from my martial arts instructor, basically telling me I’m wasting my time because I’m ignoring the most basic of stuff, and making me feel like I’m wasting his time in the process. And the really painful part for me is I already knew this. This was the second time he’s had to do this. I am really upset with myself for that. I used to be so into my martial arts classes, tirelessly practicing and trying to get better. Now I just feel like a chump.
I have also continued to skip a class I’m taking at church. Why I don’t know. Actually I do, it’s laziness, it’s being tired, and the class is on Mondays which is really the only day of the week that works for me, but in the end it just really doesn’t work at all. I feel bad for skipping so much.
I also have not been very devoted to the board meetings of the soup kitchen I sit on.
So all in all I’m feeling kind of down on myself, there are so many areas of my life I don’t feel like I’m succeeding in. I know what I need to do to get better it’s just actually making those steps.
And to boot, it’s been pouring rain all day and it’s gloomy as hell.
Have I taken on too much? I don’t like feeling like this but there isn’t one area of my life going well right now.

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