Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Uncomfortable change

Today was a dreary old day here, and just after a series of days where the weather was incredible for this time of the year. But for whatever reason I felt inspired today, I usually do on Wednesdays because I have the weekly Wednesday service at church to look forward to. It's always a source of refreshment for me, a sort of stop over in the middle of the week. A time to renew and hold oneself over until Sunday.
Today was exceptional, considering the time of the year, Lent, the sermon was about the gospel story of Jesus healing the man that was too lame to get into the pool. After being healed the man was commanded to take up his mat and walk. What the priest said was something I had not thought about before. That perhaps this man had a comfortable life, or at least a life he was used to. He knew what he was going to do for the last 38 years. And now all of a sudden he is healed and able to walk about freely. This would be a big change for him and quite possibly something that at least at first, is uncomfortable for him.
Change is uncomfortable. Being transformed can be uncomfortable.

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