Friday, February 1, 2008

Former Standing Committee of the DSJ responds

Looks like the former Standing Committee of the Diocese of San Joaquin is a little ticked.
But I have to wonder, they were a part of the diocese voting to leave The Episcopal Church, so they were part and parcel of that decision by virtue of going along with it. If they disagreed with their bishop they needed to make a stand. Because they didn't it can only be assumed they went along with the decision to disassociate from TEC. And so, why on earth are they mad? How in hell do they feel they have the standing to be so indignant?
It's beyond me. I think they're crazy and their threats to the Presiding Bishop border on insanity.
They should expect to be removed from their positions in short order.

If people want out of TEC, then get the heck out. But quit trying to destroy something so many love, on your way out.

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